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Of Castle Dungeons, Knights and Dragons

Milady Fair

Copyright ©Paul Altrades 2012


A cool morning, air so crisp, dew settling on the fields as the sun just peeks over the horizon to the east, the prints of the beast lay plane before me, my mission to free Milady lay in my success to first conquer the dragon.  So few are left and my chances of finding one after weeks of inquiry through local towns and taverns had been slim.  However, ahead the beast lay, not so hidden anymore.  Not so fleet afoot this one, useless wings these creatures have, are only good for batting the air and blowing wind it would seem.  Yes, I remember the stories of old how these beast once ruled the skies above, how man and beast once lived together in harmony, I chuckle at the old myths, ancient tales to thrill a boy when he was young and to make him dream dreams.  Now days a knight has no need for such foolish tales.

The treacherous noble that had stolen and locked her away from her village had set the price for the Lady however, unless I conquer this beast that lay ahead he would never free her and even then there were those that doubted his word, as did I.

Hearing the rustling of leaves and branches ahead, I know the beast is close, quick and swift I move sword drawn to plunge into the heart of the beast!  Armour would do little good here as I race, knowing that if I fail you are lost and if to slow, the breast would turn fast enough to spray me with his lethal flame!  The dragon turns faces off, I am too slow, I see in his eyes the astonishment of surprise and I prepare myself for the blast I know will come.   The beast is magnificent I think to myself before I die, stopping dead in my tracks, red gold giant of a monster facing me, yet still I raise my sword to slay the animal. However, looking in amazement, is that a smirk upon that face? Is that a taunt...? He opens his mouth and I see the flame, it falls short, but stays me in my path. 


A laugh?  I look around to see if there is anyone about, but there is none, save this beast and I.  Looking close and dropping my blade to see what is amiss, I think this is not how it should be. I have heard of fights from men that have lost arms and legs from such a confrontation. However, I am prepared, still the beast sits watching, with the ridiculous smirk.  If I step closer, he opens his mouth to spread his flame, so I keep my distance to know what the beast will do. I must find a way, this will not do, this beast must be conquered that Milady be free. 


Again the laugh. Is it odd that it did not fill the air as it did my head? I stare at this beast with red gold scales, strong legs, each taller than a man, long tail ending in a broad fan, each wing tipped with a claw and each foot the same. Sharp talons, long neck ending in a sharp snout, not so vicious, even with the long teeth as he "smirked?" at me?  I find myself talking aloud to this beast.

"Now see here dragon! You have me at a disadvantage and I must say, this has been a tedious trek, would be better if you just yield to me now and we be done with this hunt. I am sure if you saw her beauty you also would not wish to see any harm ever come to her, wouldn't you agree?" 


"Little man you are ill prepared to do more than prick my scales with your tiny sword." 


"Not only will I prick the scales dragon but I shall plunge this tiny sword into your chest.” 


The dragon stepped back! If there was ever shock in a beast face it was now. "Yes dragon, fear this little man!" 


I take his continued backing for weakness and rush head long into battle whether there be flame or talon it mattered not, I only had eyes for Milady. With sword again raised high, to strike this beast but was to no avail. Not only was the dragon right, that insidious laughter was filling my head again as this beast rolled on the ground in front of me till finally he stops and with eyes fixed on me, speaks.


"Has been a long time since any have heard us little man" 


"Heard who?" I exclaim to the air. 


"Heard our thoughts, little man," the voice comes again. 


"What thoughts?  Show yourself!" I speak putting as much command in my voice though I feel it not. 


"I am right in front of you." The dragon raises its mighty head, stares straight at me as he rises until he is towering above me, looking down, from his full height. 


"Dragon, how is it I can hear you?” I exclaim. 


Seeming to ignore the question he replies. "Yes little man, but none have heard till you in so long a time, since the day of the darkness. But enough of this, why would you wish to slay me, we are but only a few now and we do avoid troubles." 


My tale I tell to the dragon, strange as it may seem, hearing his voice in my head was quite calming. S I tell the story of the fairest of Lady locked away, and the quest I have taken, till now, and the time I still have left to return and free Milady.  This the dragon listened to for some time, and it was as if he was plotting a plan within that massive head, for when I stopped he simply said he would help.  But now how could I plunge and capture the heart of this beast, for he had treated me to such secrets that none other did know? 


"I would take you with me, perhaps together we could breech the castle walls and rescue the fair damsel, but you are too slow, you walk and no one has ever seen a dragon run, and there are not many days left before I must return from my quest." was my final reply.  


To which the dragon scoffed, and revealed a secret of why dragons do not fly.


"We are not balanced to fly but when we engage a man or woman's mind and have a mortal upon our shoulders we can take to the sky.”


They needed man to fly to give the balance to take to the skies, to share the thoughts of man to gain the sky and such had not been done since the days of darkness.  Could such a simple thing be true?  One way to know and scramble I do to the mighty back of the dragon, holding on fiercely as wings beat once then twice and suddenly the ground falls away below and with a shout and spray of flame we are off to save Milady fair! 

Flying fast and low over fields heading back west, the land melts away. In my head, there is such exhilaration that I have never felt before, and it is not just me. I can feel the dragon under me, wings beating the air fiercely; I know he senses my need to free the woman of my dreams, already too long in the treacherous hands of that wicked ruler.  We avoid villages as we speed west, staying close to the river that will bring us to the base of the cliff where the castle, thought to be so safe that these approaches would never be considered since everyone knew dragons didn't fly. Oh what a surprise we had for them this night.   What had taken me days of travel to traverse the country we seem to cover in no time, already the mountains ahead that once so far were fast closing.  What was our plan, so little time, so little information, but now we had something, a knight and a beast, often feared never understood just knight, sword, beast and flame. 


The cliff towered high above us and night was falling. This had been a long day of dreams and adventure and still yet, there was more to come.  Tonight we would rise in the dark to the heights above.  I would descend into the castle while the dragon distracted those on the walls and fly around setting fire to the buildings within the keep.  Again taking mount and with a flap of wing we are airborne again and climbing slowly in the dark till we came to a place to part. I, leaping from the back of the beast to the wall below, scarcely make a sound as I slip down the stairs. Already shouts above me as the night on the far wall lit up by sudden flames. Panic spreads because of the unknown, rooftops flame and the only sound in the night sky is the beating of mighty wings making my efforts  to free Milady in the rooms below easy as the dragon ignited the huts within the keep. 


Flying fast and low over fields heading back west, the land melts away. In my head, there is such exhilaration that I have never felt before, and it is not just me. I can feel the dragon under me, wings beating the air fiercely; I know he senses my need to free the woman of my dreams, already too long in the treacherous hands of that wicked ruler.  We avoid villages as we speed west, staying close to the river that will bring us to the base of the cliff where the castle, thought to be so safe that these approaches would never be considered since everyone knew dragons didn't fly. Oh what a surprise we had for them this night.   What had taken me days of travel to traverse the country we seem to cover in no time, already the mountains ahead that once so far were fast closing.  What was our plan, so little time, so little information, but now we had something, a knight and a beast, often feared never understood just knight, sword, beast and flame. 


The cliff towered high above us and night was falling. This had been a long day of dreams and adventure and still yet, there was more to come.  Tonight we would rise in the dark to the heights above.  I would descend into the castle while the dragon distracted those on the walls and fly around setting fire to the buildings within the keep.  Again taking mount and with a flap of wing we are airborne again and climbing slowly in the dark till we came to a place to part. I, leaping from the back of the beast to the wall below, scarcely make a sound as I slip down the stairs. Already shouts above me as the night on the far wall lit up by sudden flames. Panic spreads because of the unknown, rooftops flame and the only sound in the night sky is the beating of mighty wings making my efforts  to free Milady in the rooms below easy as the dragon ignited the huts within the keep. 

Finding the room is easy, he had not moved you since we had met to discuss the terms of release, and the surprise of the attack above gave me time to trace my steps back to the door, which I opened  to marvel at the rare beauty of my dreams.  Your eyes flash, then when seeing who approaches, your face opens into joy. I am thrilled beyond my dreams.


"It is time to go Milady"


Taking you fast into my arms, ignoring the chains that bind you and the scant clothing you wear, your legs press against me as I hold you briefly, then kissing the lips I have longed for before stepping back and striking the chains with sword to free you. Grabbing your hand to pull you along,  time runs against us the longer we tarry and we need to meet the beast on the heights above .Fleeing with blade in hand, you follow faithful that we will slip away. Scarce a word do we speak and I smile knowing what lay ahead. Topping the stairs, we meet the first of the panicked soldiers with sword drawn, but his eyes are on something behind him and he scarcely reacts as my sword takes him.  

Stealing his sword and tossing it into your hands, knowing that we might yet have to fight together, we race upward, till we reach the place I first landed.  You look perplexed as I stop and wave my sword madly in the air. Flames around the castle poorly light the sky; the sound of wings split the night and the mighty beast lands. Your hand grips mine tightly. I can tell you are trusting there was a plan, yet in our path lay this beast and your blade raises to fight.  My look calms you, as I tell you it is ok and you follow as I leap to the monsters lower back extending my hand to you.  Ever brave, ever trusting and without a word, you rise to the back of our dragon. Your arms around my waist and together the three of us leap into the air, over the wall, racing down the cliff face, and into the dark night that masks our escape from the castle to freedom.


The feel of you against me as we continue to fly far away till none can follow, till we can safely land without thought of pursuit, warms my heart. The clearing ahead offers a place of rest, and the dragon knowing my thoughts as I could feel the ache in the beast’s muscles from the use of long dormant wings, begins spiralling down.  On landing the dragon kneels so we might descend from the back of the beast and finally it is safe to take you in my arms, to hold, to love.  My lips meet yours, few words are spoken both yet, clinging to each other, both in disbelief that we so escaped. Along with the thrill of a ride across the tree tops, in the wind, that blew your hair and now tangles in my hands as I crush you close to me. Never wanting to be apart again, safe here with me, and I with you.  Finally, eyes meeting, questions in your eyes, yet trust and smiling.


"Since this morning started, so many things now change. It is true, dragons do fly, once they find their balance, and a knight will face death for the Lady of his dreams." 


The fire now lit and you are safe in my arms. Perhaps a dragon can fly when he makes a connection but a man’s heart is only complete when in love, he receives the woman of his life. That grows him and fills him with joy and song that is music in his ears and the light in his life.  When my eyes are on you there can only be one way, you make me see heights far away, of goals of lands only in dreams, but with you in my arms by my side, these things will one day be.  The fire flickers, as do the stars in the clear sky overhead and sounds of the still night fills the air.  Though the night has cooled, we are warm in each other’s arms, lips gently kissing, hands often caressing, bodies and heart too long apart, now together again. Your radiance is beyond the stars above, your glow brighter than the sun, and here together we will grow as one.  What adventures await a Knight and Lady, with a beast so mighty and love so strong, there will be none that can stand in our way? 


Perhaps one day, dragon and man will again fill the skies above, all I know is that here and now, I have you with me and the world is a faraway place.  The dragon now sleeps across the way, and with the warmth of the fire and you safe, the night closes around us and arms locked together sleep takes us to another day...

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